
"Style the Fashionista" is a created by Ana Azarcon, a glamour girl with big big dreams. This blog is full of dreams, trends and inspirations. While I take this journey of blogging, I hope to be prepared for the future of entering the Fashion Industry independently. Touring the world is also one of my dreams that I wish to full fill. My dream places are New York, Italy and Paris!

 I am a proud tween girl (12 years old) who experience a lot of struggles, adventures and so much happiness in my tweenhood. I love fashion and music. When I grow up, I want to be a fashionista and a model. A fashion designer or a fashion editor of a famous and glamorous magazine has always been my dream since 9. Besides all the fashion, I also sing. I first sang in front of an audience when I was 2 and I just discovered that Music is my Destiny. I'm mixed up with Fashion and Music but that never became my biggest regret or problem, in fact it is my greatest passion. I believe that my Fashion and my Music are my DESTINY. I love expressing myself through fashion and music and all I have to do is be myself and trust God for everything.

I can't quite decide which my number one greatest achievement because all I know is that all my accomplishments are the beginning of my journey. If I achieve a goal, I'll try harder to maintain it and for another achievement, I'll do the same. I always thank my past accomplishments and failures for making me pursue my dream and learn from my mistakes.

One of my success actually are from writing feature articles in singing and solving math problems. I won 1st place on the division Feature Writing and some Math Competitions. Once in summer vacation, I applied for Jr. Total Girl Team as the Jr Managing Editor but unfortunately, I didn't get the part. Then, I got a phone call from the staff and said they wanted to feature me for a volunteer. Since that moment, I realized that "Every positive side has its negative side." Always dream and work for your dream as much as possible.

Describe me as a:

Popstar Dreamer

Young Fashionista

Pizza Bud 



Music Lover


Total Girl collector

Aspiring model

Soon to be Fashion Designer

Pursuer of Life


Big Sister

Be free to follow me and interact with me!

Twitter / Instagram / Keek / Fashiolista / UrTurn / AskFM : AnaGAzarcon

Lookbook / Polyvore: anaazarcon

Tumblr: ielle-azarcon.tumblr.com Glamour Girl

Pinterest: FabPrincess03

Ustream: itsBluJay_Ielle

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