August 1, 2013

It's a New Month!

How are you, my STF readers? I know I haven't posted lately because of my hectic schedules, exams and even Math Olympiads! 

Time flies to fast, doesn't it? It seems like the July 1st was just yesterday but now, I say "Goodbye July, Hello August!" Because it is a new month, I'll also have new features that you will love. I'll have bigger surprises for you, my dear readers! I will be starting new features and even clues for the upcoming activities for my first 5 posts of the month. So stay tuned, gals!

Not only my blog has great surprises but also movies! 

Have you read about Percy Jackson? Have you watched the first Percy Jackson movie? It's gonna be so thrilling! ! !

Smurfs 2 - August 7
Any smurfettes in the house? Smurfs is having a come back and I will never miss it.

I know all certified directioners are looking forward to this new movie! Are you hitting the cinemas too? 

There are lots and lots of fun and excitements happening all-month-long and you don't want to miss the enjoyment! 

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Post to you soon!

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